Although only a small town, Berau store various beautiful tourist potential, ranging marine tourism, nature, history, culinary, arts and culture. Berau Regency Center in Cape Redeb District, which was situated between two river that divides the city of Cape Redeb, namely rivers and kelay satiated.
If travel to Berau, it seems unfortunately that is not taking the time to visit various tourist objects. In Cape Redeb not difficult to find a place to stay. The city also has many lodging options, ranging from star class hotels, jasmine to the cheap backpacker class.
To reach Cape Redeb not too difficult. Moreover, the currently available wide-bodied aircraft types boieng 737-200. The plane was ready to serve the transportation of tourists who wish to visit the Berau, either directly from Aberdeen or via Tarakan. Want to try by land along the road axis Balikpapan-Tanjung Redeb can also be an exciting adventure.

Maritime Tourism Object in Berau are numerous, including Derawan Island, Island Charitable, Maratua Island and the famous Kakaban has natural beauty under the sea.
Yesterday I only had time to stop at the island Derawan course, on the island of course I was fascinated Derawan. Coast beauty Derawan very good, compared with Beach in Bali, beach Derawan much cleaner and very beautiful underwater scene, I saw myself when snorkling, fish hiasnya very wide range, I also encounter sea turtles. Derawan clean white sand beach, the water is too clear. A friend who had to Bunaken Manado also said that beauty is still above Derawan Beach Bunaken in Manado.

Sunset and Sunrise atmosphere was really beautiful, I do not miss these two moments, in the afternoon snorkeling and swimming after I've been waiting for the moment the sun sets and the early morning around 6 o'clock I had the beach to await the sunrise from his horizon.
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